Thursday, July 18, 2024

TRINITY Debunked

The TRINITY is a doctrine that the majority of Christians take for granted. This is despite the fact that the word “Trinity” is found nowhere in the Bible. In addition to this, the doctrine was not an official position within Christianity until 381 AD. Many people have said that the Trinity was invented at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. This is simply not the case.

After centuries of discussion about Jesus, the Son of God, and His relationship to God, Nicaea formally established the doctrine of Jesus’ equality with the Father. It was not until 381 AD that the Council of Constantinople elevated the Holy Spirit to equality with God and Jesus, with ideas of ONE God eternally existent in THREE Persons.

In my newest video, I take on the most traditional view of my fellow Christians, to expose the lack of Scriptural foundation for the “Trinity doctrine.” This is accomplished by narrating Barton W. Stone’s clear presentation on the subject from 1821. Link below…