Thursday, September 16, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
For Those of You Wanting to Learn Hebrew
At this point in my seminary studies I am beginning to study Hebrew and this video helps to make learning the aleph bet (the first and second letters of the Hebrew alphabet) easier.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
What has been on my heart recently is our need as the church to contextualize. Instead of writing something about it, which many better men than me have done, I posted this video by Mark Driscoll (whom many love and others hate). Please watch this and give it some real thought? God Bless.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Reading the Bible

In an effort to truly understand the message of the Bible (the Bible is in fact a unified message from God. Old and New Testaments explain His unfolding revelation to man of Himself) I plan to read through the Bible this summer in addition to my summer class and other independent academic pursuits. I will either be using the ESV or NIV this time and then plan to use the second version to do it again in a year or so. Do you have an understanding of the overall message of Scripture? Check out or for free online audio Bibles to help you read through the Bible.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Book Review: "Planting Missional Churches"

In his book “Planting Missional Churches,” Dr. Ed Stetzer gives church planters a seminal work on church planting in a practical and yet detailed how-to format. There is no wonder why this book has received such high praise from such church planters as Steve Sjorgen, Mark Driscoll, and David Putnam. Stetzer covers material from “The Basics of Church Planting” all the way to “Churches Planting Churches,” which is the reproduction stage, in chapter twenty-eight. He also covers almost everything else in between. The best part is that this book is from a successful church planter, not a theoretician.
“Missional” is the key word in chapter one. In fact, it is the main idea throughout the book. Dr. Stetzer states on page one, “Establishing a missional church means that you plant a church that’s part of the culture you’re seeking to reach.” He further states what is so often overlooked by spectators of church planting, “The goal of church planting is to reach people .” The author points out the clear need for new churches in North America and the fact that those who do this work need not have formal training.
Chapter two discusses the need for “Developing a Missional Mind-set for North America,” as is indicated in the title. Dr. Stetzer points out the need for theologically sound churches, not just a replication of methods that have been successful in church planting in the past. He writes that we do not need new churches because they are trendy but because they are “fresh expressions of the unchanging gospel .” Stetzer further points out that there is a difference between contextualization and compromise and he explains the difference. In fact, he says that new churches are needed because many already-existing congregations are unwilling to contextualize and thus reach people where they are at. New churches are needed to reach people outside of the cultural context of those churches not willing to take the risk of meeting people in a way that engages them.
In chapter three we are shown the “Biblical Basis of Church Planting.” The Book of Acts is set forth as a Biblical pattern for church planting. The Lucan account of the Great Commission is also addressed as a biblical authority for evangelizing unbelievers.
For more, don't be cheap...go buy the book. You won't regret it!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
King James Only?

One of the faculty members at my seminary graciously pointed out to me that the translators of the King James Bible were not King James-Only types. He encouraged me to read the preface by the translators to the 1611 KJV Bible.
Two snippets follow for your consideration:
“• 1 Now though the Church were thus furnished with Greek and Latin translations, even before the faith of CHRIST was generally embraced in the Empire: [S.Hieronym. Marcell, Zosim.] (for the learned know that even in S.Hierome's time the Consul of Rome and his wife were both Ethnicks, and about the same time the greatest part of the Senate also) yet for all that the godly-learned were not content to have the Scriptures in the language which themselves understood, Greek and Latin, (as the good lepers [2King.7:9] were not content to fare well themselves, but acquainted their neighbours with the store that God had sent, that they also might provide for themselves) but also for the behoof and edifying of the unlearned which hungered and thirsted after righteousness, and had souls to be saved as well as they, they provided translations into the vulgar for their countrymen, insomuch that most nations under heaven did shortly after their conversion hear CHRIST speaking unto them in their mother tongue, not by the voice of their minister only, but also by the written word translated.”
“• 21 So that to have the Scriptures in the mother tongue is not a quaint conceit lately taken up, either by the Lord Cromwell in England, or by the Lord Radevil [Thuan.] in Polonie, or by the Lord Ungnadius in the Emperor's dominion, but hath been thought upon, and put in practice of old, even from the first times of the conversion of any nation; no doubt because it was esteemed most profitable to cause faith to grow in men's hearts the sooner, and to make them to be able to say with the words of the Psalm, As we have heard, so we have seen. [Ps.48:8]”
(Above from
So what we see is that the KJV translators wanted to have a Bible in the common language of the people just as had been done for centuries before them. If THEY wanted the Bible in common English, then we TODAY also ought to have the Bible in COMMON ENGLISH TODAY. It is with this that I recommend to the reader the ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV).
If that doesn’t convince you, notice that the spelling has changed from Elizabethan English to more Modern English. Even your King James Bible has been changed since 1611 (unless you have a reprint which would be very difficult to read).
More info can be found at (where there is also a complete FREE audio Bible).

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Slaves of a Different Sort

Slavery is alive and well today! No, not Africans fresh off a boat on a plantation in the United States, but men and women and children from all over the world enslaved for the purposes of sick men gratifying their filthy desires and gross lusts.
Thousands of people are sold as property and sexually abused every day but there has been no emancipation proclamation, no Civil War, there is not even an Abe Lincoln in site.
Who will speak for these? Who will rise up to defend the poor and oppressed?
Let's not just pray about this-LET's EACH DECIDE WHAT WE CAN DO TO END THE SEX TRADE!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Christ Died, Was Buried, and Rose Again

“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me.”
(1 Corinthians 15:3-8)
Good Friday-Jesus Died and was buried
Saturday- Christ was in the tomb
Easter Sunday- Christ Rose from the Dead!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010

“Never has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. ‘2012’ is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm that brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors .” So says the movie synopsis from Sony Pictures regarding their epic drama about the end of the world.
But will the world really end in 2012? That is a very good question because people want to know about these things. I’m sure that you were as curious as I was about what this movie communicated about the end of the world and about where the idea for this film came from.
After seeing the movie recently on DVD, I would have to agree that it was a decently made movie with many special effects and good acting overall. However, it lacked one good thing-a realistic story line. Why? Because the movie portrayed a fictional version of what many people think will be a future reality…
The world will end one day…the Bible says so, but Jesus said… “No man knows the day nor the hour (Matthew 24:36).”
On January 1, 2013 I will look forward to publishing a booklet called “Remember 2012?”
More to come on this topic…
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Abortion is Not a Choice

Jesus is anti-abortion! With abortion in the news these days and "Right to Life Sunday" last week, it is important that we think clearly about this subject. Abortion is the taking of a baby who is to be born and destroying him/her limb from limb. If not destroying limb from limb, it is burning them alive with a salt solution. Far from being harmless and a "painless procedure" it is most unusually cruel to the murdered baby and causes great harm to the would-be mother (often these poor women have nightmares and permanent emotional damage for life). Abortion is not a choice!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010

If the Bible is the Number One Best Seller of all time how come it is the least read, little practiced, under-rated, under-appreciated, and least known about book in the World?
If we read and practiced what the Bible says, Porn would not be a problem in the Church; divorce would not divide members in the church; finances would not fail so often (implementing the Bible's hard work policy); and many other maladies would be avoided.
Does your pastor teach the Word of God? I mean does he teach you systematically, verse by verse through books of the Bible? If not either encourage him to do so, or find another Pastor!I am a pastor and have been blessed to teach 1 John, Titus, and am now teaching Genesis in less than a year (and my co-pastor taught Jude). Amazing riches await the one who would devote himself to the deep treasures of Scripture!

During this time of sickness I have realized that good health is not something to be taken for granted. The time of being low on energy made me realize at least the following things:
-I need to exercise regularly to avoid getting into this bad shape again.
-I need to eat healthier for the same reason.
-I need to appreciate the opportunity to teach God's Word each week-when it's hard to talk and breathing is not as easy normal, it is not a simple thing to preach (nor is it easy when you are not sick)
-I need to appreciate and treat everyone around me better realizing that they are as fragile most times as I am when sick.
-I need to thank God for each day of healthy living!
-I need to quit stressing out about things I cannot control.
-I need to take vitamins, not just vitamin C!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Man, we saw was made by God to be his vice-regent in ruling over the creation. He was to have dominion and to subdue. It is a great responsibility that we have as human beings to steward the world that God has made. This has implications in all areas-politics, sociology, ecology, education etc. We as God's people are to be part of His redemption of all things through Jesus Christ-essentially His re-creation of all things.
Please visit the audio page and listen to Genesis 1-